Motion tweening is to move an object from one location to another on the stage.
Steps by steps :

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Don't forget to try it..It's easy....Good Luck....
I have my blog but donot know how to share my blog with our group I mean to appeare in your blog please let me know YAHYA
ok yahya...put your name and give your address
nur izzah -
then i will put your blog to my page
ezah, why my certain motion cannot move that object that suppose to be move, the line in the time line is dotted line(garis putus-putus)..can u help me..
hm saleh..suppose to be the line is not like that..dot2...suppose smooth arrow...remove it again and make keyframe and then make frame..u try my motion above..and u can see how to move it..good luck k...
ezah....what else beside motion tweening?
ok..i've show you one question that combine learning activities week 1 - week 4. i still try ti remember another 1 question...try it and if you have any problem you can discuss in tha post
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