Hye guys....first of all, i would like to welcome you to my blog....blog that we can share anything that related to
AUTHORING SYSTEM WORLD....wow....what's that...so lets explore about it....we can learn and share information that you guys want to share.....
Besides, thank you so much for your cooperation to create your own blog....

hm...so guys.....don't be shy to write and share anything that is related....seem not to be too formal...just more informal learning....it's easy right....lets try it....
wow...nice view..cantek kaki bdk ni..hehe
heyy..nice blog~
thanx to both of you faza and miza for your support...
how to put the actionscript for the BACK button?
i folo the instruction in note but cant....got any idea?
thank u for your efforts and i hope to accept my blog as (yahyaedutech) but it still contain no thing becouse i'm just trying to use blog as a first time sorry and please provide me your advices
ling..are sure you type the right instruction???
This is the action if you want to make back to previous scene
on (release) {
prevScene("Scene Name", Frame No);
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